New Front Slider Pictures
Today I cange the pictures on the Front Slider.. Now you can see works out of 2016.. All in landscape format Hope you enjoy
Today I cange the pictures on the Front Slider.. Now you can see works out of 2016.. All in landscape format Hope you enjoy
Ein paar meiner Bilder können jetzt über den Print Art Shop ausgesucht und bestellt werden. Es gibt eine Menge verschiedener Möglichkeiten in Rahmungen, Laminierungen und Größen. Schaut einmal rein!
The well known German author Thomas Jeier was guest in my studio this week. We produced some portraits and closeups for the covers of his books.. Martin Dürrenmatt one of the leading Visagist and forth time world champion hair stylist complete the look of Tom. So we … Continue readingStudio works with German Author Thomas Jeier
Vanquish Magazin published in a special edition called „Gorgeous Blondes“ some of my last pictures shooten with Anne-Kathrin Kosh. You can take a look at The beautiful Makeup was done by Tamara
It is an honor to rise up with your own work. If people likes it and vote for it. Something that a lot of people do not know. Pictures out of the category „People“ are not so popular than others like Landscapes, Still life, Flowers, … Continue readingMembers of 500px loves my People work
My doorlight series is taken place. People like this special light situation so I will go on . I will looking for more models, contact me if you like to work with me..
Last Sunday we produced a new fashion series for the Fashion-Wold.Biz Magazin. Jessica Graf (Sparkle) choose 5 outfits of the upcoming Longchamp and Ba&Sh collection 2016 , creates some crossovers and we shoot it in special frames. Iryna Müller did the Hair and Makeup and … Continue readingNew Fashion work done for Ba&Sh and Longchamp
I am so proud. My Sun Glass Picture together with the amazing Model Jhannet Correa is now part of the Hall of Fame Gallery on Viewbug. Thanx so much for choosing and awarding!
This is my first Jury Award. The Judge of the well known photo community Viewbug choose my photo of one of their favorites, Thanx so much and of course Jhannet Correa for this amazing pic. You can view my profile on viewbug here:
but it works. Photographers and Curators are following rules by creating or editing a photo. So the most of the pictures have a perfect frame, line, color match and many more. But knowing the rules can give you the possibility to break them up. My last work … Continue readingSome pictures breaking all the rules